Friday, December 6, 2013

Ryterski Answering Machine

My mother was ever so gracious to donate this little piece of nostalgia: our home answering machine tape. For some reason there were a whole bunch of messages from ghosts on there but there's a little glimpse of Christmas cheer that appears to have been truncated. The full version still rings in my memory:

(to the tune of Jingle Bells)

We are the
We have gone to party,
Leave a message at the tone
and we will get back shortly!

 Oh, mom, you're so . . . mom.

 Also here's a funny comic. I made it too big so my old relatives who lurk this blog can read it. That's right, I'm calling you out Aunt Donna. Keep lurking but put your reading glasses on.

Ryterski Answering Machine by Alex Ryterski on Grooveshark

Download Ryterski Answering Machine

Leave a message on the Ryterski Answering Machine

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