Saturday, October 5, 2013

Stage Fright

For both my Production 2 and Documentary classes we were allowed to check out Merantz digital recorders. One evening with my girlfriend we decided on a walk, on which I recorded drunks on the strip, a party on College Street, and our personal dialogue featuring sparse melodic interjections.

I had been trying my hardest to get her to sing since we had started dating, but because of her shyness, performances were few and far between.

Somehow I convinced her to record herself while I was at work, and the results were equally beautiful and hilarious. It just goes to show, people actually do sound better singing alone in the shower.

I know I do.

I'm not gonna mention the artist's name, but if she's anything like the girl I dated forever ago . . . she'll pee her pants laughing.

Stage Fright (2009) by Alex Ryterski on Grooveshark

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