Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Whores On The Floor - Coat Hanger Abortion

Mom please ignore this post. It's got bad things.

I know, I know. I've seen copies of this all over Carbondale. The only problem is that most of you turds have been using it as a coaster. Also the full tracklisting isn't online.

The story that I've heard is that Max and Tyler got together with one of their friends who is now a minister(?) and jammed out this raucous slop in an afternoon. If anyone has any more info please fill me in.


Even if you don't like grindcore these lyrics are pretty hilarious. Mad props to artists that love doing stuff on the fly, sometimes improv is the best way to go.

Whores on the Floor - Coat Hanger Abortion by Alex Ryterski on Grooveshark

Download Coat Hanger Abortion 

Get a Coat Hanger Abortion


  1. You need to ask Andrew Crook about Whores on the Floor. He's something of a Whores on the Floor historian.

  2. Can you update the links? Groveshark got popped, and the download link is broken.
