Thursday, October 3, 2013

Vote For Senator Palpatine

 I'm broke. Not ramen noodle broke. Like coin jar broke. I WILL ask someone for gas money broke. Not getting paid until Monday broke. Bought a new computer on a whim broke. I'm gonna get into trouble snacking at work broke.

That's why I started the blog. I'd otherwise be doing something non-productive,  frivolous and fun on my day off. Instead, I came up with this lame idea and somehow prepared about a week's worth of posts in one day.


I'm not excited for you at all. I'm SO not excited that I'm gonna leave you with THIS piece of garbage.   It's called "Vote for Senator Palpatine" and it's 10 minutes long. After finding this grundy excuse of an audio clip on Sound Core's editing computer I started taking bets that the singer made this up on his walk home from Golden Corral.

He doesn't work there. He just loves Golden Corral and mom's got the keys.

I've listened to all of it. Can you? Huh?  Suffer you slime. I hope you're frickin' happy.

(Oh, and new posts will be every day except today, douche. )

Vote for Senator Palpatine by Alex Ryterski on Grooveshark

Download Vote For Senator Palpatine

Don't Vote For Senator Palpatine

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