Monday, October 7, 2013

Ziggy Played Surf Guitar

I guess we should start off with a disclaimer.

I make no money from this blog and do it out of the kindness of my heart (and to reduce clutter in my life.)

Also, this post will stray a bit from normal protocol because I have to work at 3. Normally I would have a entry conceived beforehand, spell-checked and edited for brevity, content, and humor. This is not the case. I'm in a rush and this post WILL suck.

To make up for that I'm uploading a hard-to-find compilation from Cordelia Records. If you've had the misfortune of seeing These Magnificent Tapeworms or was somehow misguided to buy one of our records, you'd understand my love of this label. They're a bunch of surf nuts that get tired of surf music for just long enough to do something bizarre. They love Zappa and theremins. 

I'm uploading this as a stream only and urge you to purchase from their online store:

Cordelia Records

And now, Ziggy Played Surf Guitar: The Surf Instrumental Bands of the World Perform the Music of David Bowie.

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